Bariki (Jardine's parrot)
Bariki's Page
Tori (Cape parrot)
Tori's Page
Tori joined the flock 2 years after Bariki, and Bariki wasn't at all in favor of the invader at first. However, they have now become friends ... or perhaps siblings (they like one another, but also squabble at times.). For the story of how they become friends and some nice pictures of them both, see their Preen Me Please page.
Keet & Nick (budgies)
Nick and Keet's Page
Bariki's Page
Tori's Page
Nick and Keet's Page
Bariki and Tori become friends
Tori and the Sock Battle
2 birds and 1 treat
"A Lap Bird and a Laugh Bird" - article on Bariki and Tori published in Companion Parrot Quarterly